fredag 4. oktober 2013

Interview with a wargamer: Fransisco pt.1

Still here in Chile and this is the time to interview some cool people that hangs about and lives and plays here.

A couple of posts back I introduced Francisco, a 40k Warhammer player and all around good guy.
Today we are going to talk about some of the pieces he is currently adding to his army and of course the Space Marine Chapter he has made for himself, with a solid background, good story and great color scheme. I must say that he has put a lot of thought and dedication on bringing life into his chapter. 

mandag 30. september 2013

onsdag 24. juli 2013

Interview with a wargamer: Ordo Australis pt.2

The Ordo Australis
Still at the clubhouse in Santiago, watching how happy people are playing their favorite games with good looking models, good dice rolls and a good dose of laughter. Read on and take a look at these pics ;)

mandag 22. juli 2013

Interview with a wargamer: Ordo Australis pt.1

Ordo Australis
Well, I do have a kick ass interview with Francisco, but I need some additional pics from him to complete it and since he has been ultra busy these last month’s I do have to push his post a little further down so I could continue to keep on posting. But as soon I get the pictures I’ll put the interview here.

søndag 14. juli 2013

The Tyranid Swarm pt.2

Well, well…. Great looking models from Tomas in our last post. And now a little “whats up” from my part. I have been busy painting my bugs here in Chile and it’s time again to send some of them home. I really think that I’m reaching the number of beasts for my little project.

torsdag 27. juni 2013

Interview with a wargamer: Tomas Pineda

Tomas Pineda, giving a thumbs up

Still here in Chile and this is the time to interview some cool people that hangs about and lives and plays here, so with no further delay I present you Interview with a Wargamer: Tomas Pineda

onsdag 10. april 2013

Painting Hawk Lords in Chile pt.2

Here is the second part of the stuff I have been doing here in Chile.
I've had lots of fun painting these models and trying new techniques. I found out that a little acrilic retardant can do wonders while you try to wet blend colors.

onsdag 3. april 2013

Painting Hawk Lords in Chile pt.1

As some of u readers are aware, I collect a Space Marine Army. The Chapter is The Hawk Lords and I have been bolstering their ranks these past 2 years. I do have a blog on them, so check them out if u want to se more on the figures that I paint and the chapter that I'm building :)

tirsdag 12. mars 2013

Warhammer Independent Stores: Chile, Guild Dreams

Guild Dreams in Santiago

Now that I'm in Chile I started to search for the nearest GW store or independent retailer. Found out that there is no GW store here in Chile, heck, there is no official GW store in all of Latin America :(
Anyways, the nearest independent retailer that does sell Warhammer was in Santiago. I did find 3 potentially good places to go to.

lørdag 2. mars 2013

The Tyranid Swarm Pt.1

Here are the Tyranids I have completed so far
during my world tour. Not to shabby, eh?

Now that I have showed you how I paint these beasts, I can show you the stuff that is ready to be shipped back home. Got around 36 termagaunts, 8 Genestealers, 1 Broodlord, 1 Zoanthrope and 1 Ripper Swarm.
A good chunk of Tyranid Goodness that is finnished. But I'm not even halfways, so I need too keep up the pace. Only around 7-8 months of traveling and I need to finish more nids'

torsdag 28. februar 2013

How to paint Tyranids, PJ style pt.2

Hello there!
This is going to be the second part in how I paint Tyranids. I'm not actually in Cancun now, but since I started with the Tyranids there I should finish with them there.
I'm actually in Chile now and I'm going to be here a while. That makes it a little easier to find gaming stores around. Well, I'll have to post about that on my next posts, because for now let's go gung ho on these tyranids.

torsdag 31. januar 2013

News from Me

As you all know my hard drive got busted a while back. I had all my pict's on that little piece of equipment. I've been in contact with a company that does retrieval. They have a office in Santiago so I went to see them last week. The diagnostic took about 6-7 hours so I left my hard drive with them. The next day they sent me an e-mail with the info on what the problem was and how much it was going to cost to repair it. The cost was 400.000 cl. That is about 4600.-Nok.  Ugh..... Sorry to say it, but I don't have the cash to retrieve those pictures. The good thing is that the diagnostic was free, heh.....

Anyway, Since I had all the data (vids and pict's) I'll have to start over again :,(
My good buddy Kjell sent me a box with Termagants that I used to make a step-by-step vid on the way I paint my gaunts, but it's lost now. So, I had to buy a gang of Hormagaunts to try and remake it. I bought Termagants because there are no Hormagaunts for sale here, blæh >.(
Anyway, I'll post pictures instead of a video, since it's kinda faster and well, I think we have waited long enough now and I have been doing other things that I want to show u guys.

I'll post the new stuff soon so we can carry on :D

If someone is in dire need to recover data in Chile, check out these guys. Free diagnostic!

fredag 4. januar 2013


Oh, No!
My external hard drive just got busted! And I had all my pictures and movies there :(
I will try to retrieve them but I do not have any high hopes that I can get my stuff back. I know that retrieving data is very expensive and I do not have a lot of cash with me.
Anyway, the next post on the Tyranids can take a while since I gotta do the tutorial anew. I had all the pictures and a film on the hard drive that got busted.