onsdag 14. november 2012

How to paint Tyranids, PJ style pt.1

Well, the third day on the store I tried to paint my Tyranids, I took them with me for a reason and the reason was that I have some kind of diorama in mind. And for that to be realized I need a ton of Tyranid Termagants, Hourmagaunts and Gargoyles. Well, the only 'nids I have with me are termagants with fleshborer/spinefists. They are allready primed white so I just need to paint them before I ship them home. I cannot have a hoard of gaunts while I travel around, thats why I send them home. But until now I have not sent any. I'm such a slowpoke.
Well, here I'll show u what I've been doing. it's not much but it's something.

Oki, let's take this step by step on how I do it.

1. Put the fig together, doh!

2. Prime it white, dubble doh!

3. Make a wash mix using 50% Baal Red Wash, 40% Leviathan Purple Wash and 10 % water. The Baal makes the purple a little more redish, y'know. (you can use the Lahmian Medium from the new Citadel range instead of water, but that is kinda expensive)

My home-made wash!

4. After the wash is dry, Use a drybrush and brush the figure with Rakarth Flesh. It does not matter if the little thingies on the models arms and legs (don't know what those alien thingies are called) gets painted over when you drybrush. We'll get back to it later.

5. Then I drybrush the figure with Pallid Wych. Now I try to brush this colour with less paint on the brush so it doesn't cover up all the Rakarth Flesh.

By some unknown reason I'm jumping the gun and painted the carapace black. 
That is supposed to go in our next Pop-post :)

6. After I have brushed the figure to my liking, I use my wash once again. I use a fine detail brush for this one. And I do not wash the whole figure, just the joints and the little alien thingies on the figures arms and legs. I try to water the wash even a little more at this point.

Start to finish!

That is the body pattern that I have used. The carapace was sommething of a challenge for me. I tried several times to make it right, and last time I thought I found a good pattern. But, now I have found a great way of doing it, better than the one in the pictures (so I think) I'll show it to you guys on my next Pop-post.
The one below is finnished. Even the base is done.

Squad of Mexican Space Marines.

Ah, I bought a 10 man squad of Space Marines at the Gamer's Den. I'm trying to buy different guys from different parts of the world. I allready got a attack bike from Germany, Scouts from Holland and this guys from Mexico. And ofcourse my whole chapter from Norway, haha!

Next up...
How to do carapace, PJ style!

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