lørdag 1. september 2012


Got to put this toghether.

ZeroZero. That's what I'll call the vindicator when I finnish him.
I wont be able to show you the end result of this vindicator because I won't be ready with it until I get back home. And that's gonna ba a long time. Anyway, I'll show u how far I have gone with it right now.
I bought this Old School vindicator on ebay. It was allready painted, but the painting was certainly done by a little kid. It was waaay to thick and the structure of the model was buyldt incorrectly. I could not work with it as it was so I had to strip it and take it apart.

The first thing I had to do was give it a wash of Aceton. That's basically nail polish remover. I buy it liter wise at the pharmacy. It can be used as a thinner also. I use it to remove old paint.
Filled a little container witht the acetone and placed the vindicator inside. In a couple of minutes the whole thing fell apart. The old glue got eaten by the acetone and lot of paint fell from the model. The only thing I had to be carefull with was the plastic pieces. The acetone is such a strong solvent that some plastics melt. The plastic GW uses do melt so I had to apply the acetone with care. But since the Vindicator was almost all metal parts I could relax some. The plastic parts, were not going to be very visible, so I let them melt a little.

I left the metal parts be in the acetone overnight, and the next day I used an old tooth brush to brush all the old paint that was not dissolved and was still on the small corners of the model.

Here you see that the frame is made out of plastic

Here I have allready started working on the frame with green stuff.

Green stuff and some metal parts.

The work do take some time and I have to use a lot of green stuff to fix some gaps on the plastic frame. I use green stuff to adhere the metal parts to the plastic frame. For a more trengthening effect, before I put the metal parts on the "wet" green stuff, I apply some super glue to it.
Looking forward to work on this one. Too bad I have to wait a long time before I can proceed.

Next up...
My captain and the Pistachio-Project

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