søndag 2. september 2012

Captains and Pistachios

I've been traveling.
Jupp, I travel and I try to work with different miniatures when I got the time.
This time I was in Oxaca and thought it was a good time to proceed with Captain Ferrox in Terminator armour. I was supposed to paint, but I had to rectify the shoulder pads on the captain. I used some knee guards of a Dreadnough for the shoulder pads. Used green stuff to make it sit and some more green stuff to cover the holes of the "knee guard". I Had allready sanded it and painted the shoulders, but it wasn't good enough. I could see some inperfections.
So I sanded it again, with a rough file first and smoothed it over with a fine sandpaper.
Had to cut the studs on the armor to sand it perfectly, that means that I got to make some new studs afterwards. 
Had some ideas on how i can make that happen, so I gave it a shot and started to stud the leg armour first. Wanted to see how it looked like. Used a 0,5mm copper wire to make the stud. Drilled 4 holes on each side of the right leg and used superglue to make the wire stick. Then I cut the wire and filed it to make it rounder and smoother. 
Guess this could work fine.

My mobile workstation.

This is one of the arms of the captain. Completely magnetized!

The other thing I did was something different than my warhammering. Like I told u guys in my other blog is that Ara, bought some earrings made of pistachio shell, with some ingraving of animals on it. I wanted to replicate that work. Soo, here is how far I've gonne. 

This are the earrings that Ara, bought at the Templo Mayor.

And this is what I'm doing. It's not the same, but I'm getting there. It's not that easy if you do not have the right equipment. I really could use a smaller drill.

I used a X-Acto knife and Citadel's hand drill to make te holes and the carving. The other thing I did was to leave the shell in a cup of water overnight. I did not thought that the shell was that hard, but after I soaked it for the night, it was like cutting plastic. Hehe...

Next up...
More Pistachio stuff and more pics of Captain Ferrox.

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