søndag 14. juli 2013

The Tyranid Swarm pt.2

Well, well…. Great looking models from Tomas in our last post. And now a little “whats up” from my part. I have been busy painting my bugs here in Chile and it’s time again to send some of them home. I really think that I’m reaching the number of beasts for my little project.
I only need a Carnifex and some flying Gargoyles for the Tyranid part. I’m going to have a Imperial part on my project too, but I have to figure that out. I’ll let you guys know when I decide that. Right now I’ll just have to concentrate on the nids’.

Okey, can’t say that these guys look any different from the last batch I sent home, the only one that differs from the rest is a Ymgarl Genestealer that I painted in a different scheme. I belive that since they are “leftovers” from another hive, they shouldn’t look like the rest of my swarm. But silly me did not take a picture of the bug I painted, ugh. Well I’ll post one soon.

Next up…
The Ordo Australis in Chile

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