torsdag 28. februar 2013

How to paint Tyranids, PJ style pt.2

Hello there!
This is going to be the second part in how I paint Tyranids. I'm not actually in Cancun now, but since I started with the Tyranids there I should finish with them there.
I'm actually in Chile now and I'm going to be here a while. That makes it a little easier to find gaming stores around. Well, I'll have to post about that on my next posts, because for now let's go gung ho on these tyranids.

1. Use Chaos Black/Abbadon Black on the Carapace (use a basecoat brush)

2. Then use Liche Purple/ Xereus purpleon the edge of the caparace.(use a standard brush)

3. Mix 50/50 of Liche Purple/Xereus Purple and Astronomican Grey/Celestra Grey to the streaks. Try to water it a little down. It will run better on your brush making a more finer streak, If the paint is thick it takes a little more pressure to apply and that makes the streakes more wide. We don't want that. Use a fine detail brush on this one. There is one paint in the new range that does look like the one that I mix together, it's the Genestealer Purple. You can actually use that one instead.

4. Now use only watered down Astronomican Grey/Celestra Grey on the streaks.

5. After that use a wash on the carapace. Leviathan purple/Druchii Violet is a good choice. Use the basecoat brush if you feel bold on your washing techniques. This will make your streaks to blend a litle more.

6. Wait until the wash is dry. Now only use watered down Astronomican Grey/Celestra Grey again on the streaks. Don't overdoit or you'll have to do it all over again, gulp! This will make the caparace to "pop" a little.

7. When the paint is dry, it's time for the gloss varnish. Well, you do not need this if you are content with what you have done. I do it just for a shiny look on the carapace. It all depends on how you like your bugs :)

8. Oki, now it's time for the base. Since I've been traveling I have used Citadel's Astrogranite. I'm not a great fan of the Citadel Texture, although it is a great way for new painters to make o good looking base in no time. I'm more for the pva-sand-paint method. But as you guys know I do not have the space to drag around glue and different paints (or maybe sand, haha) around the world. Remember I'm a backpacker and don't have unlimited space on my backpack. Anyway, I have used the Astrogranite. To make it look good enough I kinda take my time. I apply it twice on the base to cover all areas.
After the first appliance, I let it dry. When it's completely dry I see where on the base it needs more Astrogranite. Iapply some more and let it dry too. When it's dry I use nuln oil and let it dry. Then I use a old brush to drybrush Adeptus battlegrey/Mechanicus Standard Grey on the base. At last I drybrush with Astronomical Grey/Celesta Grey.

This Termagant is the only one I got right now with a finnished

9. I showed you how to paint the body on my last post, so the only thing that is missing now is the details. Eyes, claws and teeth.
Used Golden Yellow/Yriel Yellow for the eyes and the eye on the gun
Used Skull White/White Scar for the teeths
And used Red Gore/Wadzakka Red for the claws.

And, there you got it. A Tyranid all painted and ready to eat his foes :D


Note to the painter:
I have inserted both the old and the new names on the Citadel paint range in this tutorial
Ex. Liche Purple (old)/Xerus Purple (new)
But there is a slight change in the paints. Some of the new paints can be brighter or darker than the old range.
Like the example above, the new purple is a little brighter than the old one. Just so u know.

This picture below is taken before step 7. It's one of the few pictures I have left from the Termagant batch. As you can see the carapace of the Termagant is different than the one to the Hormagaunt, it's kinda bigger and longer, not so sleek as the Hormagaunt.

Anyways, hope you guys can enjoy this little tutorial on how I make my Tyranids. Feel free to leave comments. If there is sommething you guys belive I could do different, or an easier way to paint these bad boys, please comment.
Have a nice one! And keep on Painting! POP!

Next up...
Broodlord, Zoanthrope and Ripper Swarm!

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