onsdag 3. april 2013

Painting Hawk Lords in Chile pt.1

As some of u readers are aware, I collect a Space Marine Army. The Chapter is The Hawk Lords and I have been bolstering their ranks these past 2 years. I do have a blog on them, so check them out if u want to se more on the figures that I paint and the chapter that I'm building :)


 The thing here is that I have been painting some more Hawk Lords while I'm on the go, I was supposed to only paint Tyranids, but after a handfull of those little bugs I got the itch to try something else. Here is the result.

This is my current workstation.

Fully magnetized, In case of emergency :)

I'm not a very big fan of motorbikes. I really thought that they would rather have jetbikes in the 41millenium instead of regular bikes, but it seemed that the imperium "lost" the ability to manufacture them after the Horus Heresy. Bummer....
But that doesn't mean I can't try to paint a couple. I think the result was good enough :)

Under you can see that I started to paint a Land Speeder. I certainly like the speeder more than the bikes.

Red legs on the driver? What on earth could that be?

Heh... Yeah, a Techmarine :D

Assembled. The Techmarine only needs the Hawk Lord insignia now.

That was the Land Speeder. I had a lot of fun painting it. The Heavy Flamer under the Speeder is magetized so I can replace it with an Assault Cannon. Bang!
The only thing this Speeder neds is the Hawk Lord insignia. I'm not that good at freehand insignias. Not yet anyhow.

Next up...
Hawk lords Predator and some Dark Angels.

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